Give your game the next level up!

Indie Games Accelerator is a developer program for top indie game startups who are looking to supercharge their growth on Android. Orchid were asked to create a trailer for its launch, to create excitement and drive participation from game developers. We managed all stages from design to production: concept, storyboard, copywriting, 3D, animation and post-production.

​​​​​​​This year, Indie Games Accelerator is being scaled across various regions worldwide. To illustrate this key feature of the campaign and attract developers from all countries, we designed a detailed 3D world, creating multiple architectures and recreating iconic monuments around the world.

Client: Google Play
Made by: Orchid Creation
Art Director: Quentin Vernet 
Animation: Ariel Garcia
Copywriter: Daniela Varela
Music Edit / Sound Design: Redhorse Audio​​​​​​​

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